Sonic Heroes 2


Disclaimer: This Hub is fan speculation, there is no guarantee that these features will appear in Sonic Heroes 2, or if there ever will be a Sonic Heroes 2.
Sonic Heroes is an example of a game that is great in theory, but plays horribly in practice. The premise of the game is very innovative: players take a team of three Sonic characters through the game, using the abilities of different formations to proceed.
Sonic Heroes' concept was very promising at first. Ultimately, the game fails to deliver. Numerous bugs, glitches, poor programming choices, and just overall sloppiness hinder this game from becoming the classic Sonic the Hedgehog game that it should have been.
Now, in the event that Sega decides to make a sequel to Sonic Heroes (which is very unlikely), they have a lot of work to do...
Sonic Heroes 2 Logo by KoopaDasher
Nack the Weasel should make his long awaited return in Sonic Heroes 2.
Nack the Weasel should make his long awaited return in Sonic Heroes 2.
The 7 Chaos Emeralds' origin should be explained in Sonic Heroes 2.
The 7 Chaos Emeralds' origin should be explained in Sonic Heroes 2.


You may recognize this guy to the right from Sonic Triple Trouble, Sonic Drift, or Sonic the Fighters. His name is Nack the Weasel, (sometimes called Fang the Sniper), and he hasn't been featured in a Sonic game in a while. I always liked him for some reason. Anyways, Nack should be the central villain of Sonic Heroes 2. He's a bounty hunter, as well as a notoriously renowned thief, so he fits the bill perfectly.
Eggman hires him to collect all the sources of power in the world. He steals the Chaos Emeralds, the Babylon Control Box, the Sol Emeralds, and Froggy (containing the Chaos Data). He then takes them with him to Angel Island, and the Master Emerald.
Eggman fuses together all the stolen items, and accidentally merges the Special Zone, where the Chaos Emeralds originated, with the real world in the process. Eggman is shocked to discover his counterpart, Dr. Eggman Nega, was caught in the merger as well. Together, the two Eggmans quickly becomes all-powerful in this newly constructed realm, and place Nack in charge of hiding the drained-out treasures in order to maintain the duo's power.
Now the Sonic Heroes have to find the lost treasures, defeat the 2 Eggmans, and find a way to restore their world to the way it used to be!
The story of Sonic Heroes 2 should also finally explain the origin of the Chaos Emeralds as well. They were initially created in the Special Zone by Nack's ancestors, as Nack is originally from the Special Zone, too. This explains the violent reaction that occurs when Nack collects them; they are responding to his hidden ancestry.


Team Sonic performing the Tornado Attack in Sonic Heroes.
Team Sonic performing the Tornado Attack in Sonic Heroes.
In Sonic Heroes 2, each team should play differently from the others. Instead of every Speed character having the Tornado Attack, now only Team Babylon, (explained later), does. Team Sonic performs the Triangle Bounce instead. Inspired by his Bounce Attack from Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles bounce together to reach new heights.
Additionally, two new teams should be playable in Sonic Heroes 2: Team Babylon (Jet, Wave and Storm), and Team Sol (Silver, Blaze & Marine).
Jet (Speed), Wave (Fly), & Storm (Power)
Jet (Speed), Wave (Fly), & Storm (Power)
The Babylon Rogues assist Sonic and his friends in Sonic Heroes 2when Jet's Babylon Control Box is stolen by Nack. They follow him to Angel Island, and are caught in the merging of the dimensions, along with the others.
In lieu of not having their Extreme Gears, Team Babylon proves to be just as adaptable to land travel as they are while riding the wind. They bring their own unique brand of adventuring with them into the uncharted, and aptly named Distorted Zone.
Silver (Speed) + Blaze (Power)
Silver (Speed) + Blaze (Power)
Marine (Fly)
Marine (Fly)
Silver, Blaze and Marine are drawn back to Sonic's dimension when Nack manages to swipe all of the Sol Emeralds. Silver is the leader of the Speed formation, and can use his ESP in conjunction with his newly gained mobility to guide his teammates.
Blaze uses her Pyrokinesis abilities to destroy enemies and can allow her teammates to walk on lava while she leads the Power formation.
Marine recently learned the power of flight, and can scour the skies with her teammates when she leads the Fly formation. Also, she can take her team underwater and swim, a new ability that every Fly character has inSonic Heroes 2!


Espio, solo, throwing shurikens in Sonic Heroes.
Espio, solo, throwing shurikens in Sonic Heroes.
Sonic Heroes 2 will tout a revamped control scheme. One of the new features will be the option to isolate the one character from the rest of the team at the press of a button. This differs greatly from the original Sonic Heroes, where there were only certain times when you could go solo. You could then call back your team again. You can't use Team Blast when you're solo, however.
Metal Sonic and Amy in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle's Multiplayer Mode.
Metal Sonic and Amy in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle's Multiplayer Mode.


I've only played the multiplayer in Sonic Heroes once, and with good reason: it wasn't all that great. Sonic Heroes 2 should fix that by adding in newer, more fun modes. For example. Chaos Grand Prix, would be a series of one-on-one races, with a Chaos Emerald being the prize for victory. Whoever wins the majority of the Emeralds would win the circuit.


Shadow the Hedgehog's branching stage progression.
Shadow the Hedgehog's branching stage progression.
Sonic Heroes
Amazon Price: $16.99
List Price: $14.99
Sonic Heroes
Amazon Price: $13.90
List Price: $19.99
Sonic Heroes/Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
Amazon Price: $29.95
Sonic Heroes
Amazon Price: $59.99
List Price: $14.99
Sonic Heroes
Amazon Price: $15.75
List Price: $19.99
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Amazon Price: $89.99
List Price: $29.95
I hated how every team went to pretty much the same levels in Sonic Heroes. And now that there are 6 teams in total, having everyone visit the same stages would present way too much repetition.
Sonic Heroes 2 should feature a branching stage progression, kind of like how Shadow the Hedgehog did. Not every team would go to every level. In fact, when two teams do go to the same level (story-wise), this will result in a duel at the end of the level, like in the first Sonic Heroes.
Every Team does travel to the same first and last levels, though. The first level is Fallen Angel (Angel Island deteriorating during the merger), and the last level is Metal Helix (The Eggman Duo's stronghold.) Each team only travels to 7 stages, including those 2.
And finally, the creme de le creme: imagine being able to make your own Sonic the Hedgehog levels! Can you say infinite replayability? And imagine being able to add your own textures, and being able to upload your custom levels online? You could be playing Sonic Heroes forever!

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